Hot-Rox Extreme (Biotest)

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Hot-Rox Extreme (Biotest) Hardcore fat loss just got a lot harder-core with HOT-ROX Extreme. We've one-upped previous versions of HOT-ROX and once again, blown away the competition by incorporating three new powerful thermogenic ingredients.

Two of the compounds you're undoubtedly familiar with: Carbolin 19 and yohimbine HCl. The third is a component of raspberry that has been shown to uniquely stimulate lipolysis in both white and brown adipose tissue (and makes the HOT-ROX capsules smell purdy good, too).

There's really not a way to describe the unusual effects from HOT-ROX Extreme and do it justice. All I can say is, if you're impressed with the previous versions of HOT-ROX, you're gonna be shocked by Extreme's ability to melt off body fat and by its incredible feel-good factor.

Carbolin 19: Anabolic Thermogenic

Carbolin 19 is chemically known as forskolin 1,19-carbonate. Essentially, it's a long-acting, highly bioavailable and highly pure version of forskolin.

Carbolin 19 is much better than ordinary forskolin. Instead of a 90-minute active life, Carbolin 19 lasts a minimum of 12 hours, and that's from one single dose!

Yohimbine HCl: Take Your Lumps . . . Away!

You know that stubborn fat lump? Yeah, the one right there. Well, it's going bye-bye, fast. The combination of A7-E and yohimbine takes spot reduction from a dream to a reality. Just expect it!

Yohimbine is a potent alpha-2 adrenergic antagonist. Antagonizing (or blocking) these receptors enhances lipolysis in areas that are otherwise resistant to fat loss. In other words, yohimbine decreases fat mass specifically in those stubborn areas that are dense with A2 receptors.

Basically, yohimbine works by preventing the alpha-2 adrenoreceptors from inhibiting or blunting lipolysis while inducing the release of norepinephrine and therefore, lipolysis.

What's awesome about alpha-2 receptors is they're predominantly found in the lower body, abdominal area, and the lower back. This is huge! It means...

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Format Serving size Servings per container  
110 Capsules 1 Capsule 110

Here are all the stores in our database that carry this product in these formats, in order of best price per serving.
Format Store Notes Price/serving Price
110 Capsules
I'll Pump You Up
5% off any order: Code - SubstanceReviews $0.34 $36.95
110 Capsules
Shipping: Calculated by weight
Save $5 on orders > $90: Code - 5OFFA1
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$0.36 $39.75

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