
Finally the PRO-Anabolic, anti-estrogen we have all been waiting for has arrived! Epistane™, exhibits a strong, long lasting anti-estrogen effect that is organ tissue specific. This means it works only where you want it to work. Broad range estrogen blockers and aromatase inhibitors can result in system shut down, aching joints, and decreased IGF-I expression. Epistane™ binds specifically to the 17β-estradiol receptor protein in the target tissues. Because of its long lasting and strong effects on specific tissue, Epistane™ can significantly reduce and reverse the effects of gynocomastia because not only does Epistane™ specifically block estrogen in breast tissue but it induces an estrogen-depleted condition which leads to apoptosis or the death of the breast tissue cells. Studies show that small doses of the parent compound, Epitiostanol, at just 10-20mg/week showed a complete disappearance of the mass and pain in 25% of the male patients in the clinical trail, while the other 75% of the patients showed at least a 50% reduction in the mass and complete loss of pain in just 4-8 weeks. That’s results in 100% of the male users with no side effects. While compounds such as Clomid and Nolvadex also block the 17β-estradiol receptor, they do not elicit the same increase in protein synthesis and strength gains that Epistane™ can offer.
Epistane™ is more than an anti-estrogen, though, as it also binds to androgen receptors in skeletal muscle. As a PRO-Anabolic compound Epistane™ promotes increases in strength and lean body mass with an anabolic/androgenic value (Q ratio) of 12. With most powerful androgens there is a high risk of the natural suppression of the gonads. Epistane™, unlike other PRO-Anabolic compounds that have recently been released, is relatively mild on the gonads and, due to the anti-estrogenic effects and the fact that Epistane™ keeps LH levels elevated, post cycle therapy becomes a breeze. All effects combined make Epistane™ a great compound to produce dry, lean gains in muscle mass with minimal side effects and suppression of the body’s natural androgen production, while lowering the effects of natural estrogen or combating estrogen from endogenous/exogenous sources. This makes it a powerful tool when combined with “wet” compounds in attempt to increase gains and decrease side effects. One can also not overlook the potential benefit of this compound taken alone, especially when recovering from periods of “wet” compounds. If you don’t want to worry about how your lipid and liver values are doing and whether or not you are going to get gynocomastia or not then get Epistane™, stop worrying, and experience what others are raving about!
FAQ - What can one expect from Epistane™?- Incredible Strength Gains
- Dry, Lean Mass Gains
- Gynocomastia Protection
- Increased Libido
- Increased Training Intensity and Sense of Well-Being
- In Some, Reductions in Gynocomastia!
Average user rating from: 3 users
Reported side effects (adverse events)
Acne/oily skin |
1 user (33%)
Hair loss |
1 user (33%)
Increased blood pressure |
1 user (33%)
Joint pain |
1 user (33%)
Muscle cramps |
1 user (33%)
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6 of 6 people found the following review helpful
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Written by
View all my reviews
Overall rating |
4.0 |
Muscle gain |
3.0 |
Strength |
3.0 |
Physical energy |
4.5 |
Low side effects |
3.0 |
Recovery ability |
4.0 |
Pump |
4.0 |
Aggression |
4.0 |
Increased appetite |
4.0 |
Value for money |
4.5 |
Libido |
5.0 |
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16 of 16 people found the following review helpful
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
Written by
- Top 10 reviewer -
View all my reviews
Overall rating |
4.0 |
Muscle gain |
3.0 |
Strength |
4.5 |
Low side effects |
4.5 |
Recovery ability |
4.5 |
Pump |
3.5 |
Safety |
3.5 |
Value for money |
5.0 |
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9 of 15 people found the following review helpful
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Written by
- Top 5 reviewer -
View all my reviews
Overall rating |
3.8 |
Muscle gain |
4.0 |
Strength |
3.0 |
Low side effects |
2.5 |
Pump |
4.0 |
Value for money |
4.0 |
Joint pain |
Acne/oily skin |
Muscle cramps |
Hair loss |
Increased blood pressure |
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