Acid (Magnum Nutraceuticals)

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Acid (Magnum Nutraceuticals)

Magnum Acid� is a Pharmaceutical Grade fat isomer designed to target problem body fat areas. Magnum Acid� is a scientific formulation with proven ingredients that increase metabolism and promote lean muscle growth. With its potent 80%+ concentration and a proprietary blend of both CLA isomers, Magnum Acid� will astound you with rapid fat loss and full body tightening.

It is a Pharmaceutical Grade CLA supplement
It has both CLA Isomers (the active ingredient in CLA)
It has a very high potency
It is a stimulant free fat burner
You will feel and look tighter sooner than you thought

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is a natural-occurring essential fatty acid that has been called the "miracle fat." It has been scientifically proven to reduce body fat and increase lean muscle tissue. It is also know as a "nutrient partitioner," this means that CLA helps transport and force nutrients to be utilized where your body needs them most.

Searching out the largest fat deposits in your body and loosening the stored fat
Speeding up your metabolism to burn through that fat and other calories
Boosting the immune system
Supporting vital body functioning and organs
Assisting in protein assimilation

Is trying to increase lean muscle mass & improve body composition
Is trying to tighten up their belly, buttocks, or thighs
Is trying to lose fat
Is trying to improve their diet
Is a bodybuilder, fitness competitor or athlete


Take 2 softgels 10 minutes before breakfast

Take 2 softgels 10 minutes before lunch

Take 2 softgels 10 minutes before dinner

1. Magnum Heat�
2. Magnum DNA�
3. Magnum Quattro�

How quickly can I expect results from Magnum Acid�?
If you take Magnum Acid� correctly (6 capsules per day on an empty stomach), you should start to see noticeable results within 2 weeks; however, we have had many customers & athletes notice a difference in their abs...

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Format Serving size Servings per container  
90 Capsules 1 Capsule 90

Here are all the stores in our database that carry this product in these formats, in order of best price per serving.
Format Store Notes Price/serving Price
90 Capsules
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