Heat (Magnum Nutraceuticals)

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Heat (Magnum Nutraceuticals)

Magnum Heat™ combines 22 fat-incinerating ingredients to create the optimal environment to eliminate fat. Infusing thermogenic agents and natural stimulants, Magnum Heat™ raises the body's core temperature, melting fat stores. Magnum Heat™ also contains a blend of Adaptogens to support the body's rapid fat reduction and physical transformation. Adaptogens are anti-oxidants that balance endocrine hormones and the immune system, help the body cope with stress and maintain optimal homeostasis. Magnum Heat™ will help you attain the body you desire.

Fat burners are created for anyone trying to decrease body fat. They often have ingredients designed to enhance your metabolism and to burn up stored fat. A fat burner can assist you greatly in getting into better shape and to motivate you with quickly noticeable results.

Increased body temperature
Improved energy (but not too much)

The thermogenic effect (increased body temp.) is noticeable quickly (during exercise - you feel very hot)
It has only natural stimulants so you won't get jitters or anxiety
There are 6 Adaptogens to balance your system so you don't feel "off" or imbalanced
You will burn fat without losing muscle mass
There is no yo-yo effect (you wont put the weight right back on)
It is ephedrine free

Is wanting to lose fat - not just lose weight
Is looking for a more aesthetically pleasing body
Is a bodybuilder or fitness competitor

Training Days
Non-Training Days

Take 3 capsules 15min before breakfast
Take 3 capsules 15min before breakfast

Take 3 capsules 15min prior to training
Take 3 capsules 30min before lunch

Magnum Heat™ should always be taken on an empty stomach.
Do not take Magnum Heat™ within 6 hours of going to sleep.
To start, take half the recommended dosage for the first six days.

Magnum Acid™
Magnum DNA™

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Format Serving size Servings per container  
120 Capsules 3 Capsule 40

Here are all the stores in our database that carry this product in these formats, in order of best price per serving.
Format Store Notes Price/serving Price
120 Capsules
Shipping: Flat rate - $5.99 (up to 40 lb)
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