FWSS LG5 Pro (All American EFX)

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16 fl oz
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FWSS LG5 Pro (All American EFX) "I take 2 shots of LG5 PRO™ per day. Right after training and before bed. It speeds up my recovery after a hard day's training and it gives me a great GH boost when I use it before bed."
Flex Wheeler – IFBB Legend and "Born-Again" Natural Freak™

It seems like glutamine has been around forever. But you haven't heard too much about it lately because there are so many other "sexier" compounds filling up the ad space of all the magazines these days. But make no mistake about it! Do not underestimate the power of good old-fashioned glutamine.

It's truly one of THE most important bodybuilding compounds you can take. In fact, you should treat it as seriously as your favorite protein powder! Yes, Glutamine really IS that important!

Glutamine is one of the most utilized amino acid in muscle tissue so you know it must be critical to muscle function and growth!
Glutamine's molecular structure has two nitrogen atoms making it a powerful nitrogen shuttle to fuel muscle both during and after training for faster recovery and muscle growth.
Glutamine is creatine sparing, meaning it literally saves creatine from being degraded.
Glutamine is hugely anti-catabolic.
Glutamine is a major "cell volumizer" like creatine and really blows you up while training.
Glutamine aids in the formation of the neurotransmitters that promote awesome mental intensity and concentration during training! You'll feel every last fiber contract!
Glutamine strengthens your immune system. This one is HUGE! Let's face it. You grow much better and faster when you're healthy!

Glutamine has been scientifically suggested to be a poorly absorbed compound due to the "glutamine hungry" cells in the lining of the stomach. This simply means that vast amounts get trapped and do NOT get into your bloodstream in sufficient enough quantities to "feed" your muscles with its intense...
Average user rating from: 6 users

Overall rating
Recovery ability (2 ratings)
Physical energy (2 ratings)
Strength (1 rating)
Taste (6 ratings)
Mixes well (1 rating)
Value for money (1 rating)
Reported side effects (adverse events)

None yet
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